Introduction to Sustainable Development

In this unit we will begin by discussing the concept of sustainable development. Our emphasis will then be on the contribution of social, economic and environment systems to sustainable development. Recognising that each system can either be an opportunity or a threat to sustainable development, we will also discuss the interconnectedness of social, economic and environment systems.

Not only do youth workers need to be cognisant of each of the systems and their contribution to sustainable development, they will also have to take into account all three systems when conceptualising, developing and implementing holistic youth programmes towards the goal of fostering sustainable development.

We will also identify, and discuss the value, of indicators that are used in the field of sustainability, many of which are grounded in the systems we discuss in this unit.

We will conclude this discussion by relating sustainability concerns to youth and, by extension, to youth work, and review some suggestions on how to address these concerns.

As a youth worker, you will find that a knowledge of the concept of sustainable development, and of the related issues that will be addressed throughout this course, is required to effectively convey to young people its relevance and future effect on their lives. It is essential that you first clearly understand the concept of sustainable development because it will assist you in employing strategies that will convince young people to take it seriously.

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YDW 2007